4.2Mposts-Discoverphotosandvideosthatincludehashtagtzuyu,,ChouTzu-yuknownmononymouslyasTzuyuisaTaiwanesesingerbasedinSouthKorea.SheisamemberoftheSouthKoreangirlgroupTwice,formedbyJYP ...,2020年4月,JYP娛樂推出周子瑜首本個人寫真書《Yes,IamTzuyu.》,是TWICE首位推出寫真書的成員。2021年10月成為雜誌L'OFFICIELYKEDITION封面人物。該 ...,周子瑜Tzuyu쯔위。495184個讚·8039人正在談論這個。TWICE-TZUYUTAIWAN...

#tzuyu on Instagram

4.2M posts - Discover photos and videos that include hashtag tzuyu


Chou Tzu-yu known mononymously as Tzuyu is a Taiwanese singer based in South Korea. She is a member of the South Korean girl group Twice, formed by JYP ...


2020年4月,JYP娛樂推出周子瑜首本個人寫真書《Yes, I am Tzuyu.》,是TWICE首位推出寫真書的成員。 2021年10月成為雜誌L'OFFICIEL YK EDITION封面人物。該 ...

周子瑜Tzuyu 쯔위

周子瑜Tzuyu 쯔위。 495184 個讚· 8039 人正在談論這個。 TWICE - TZUYU TAIWAN FAN PAGE (Unofficial) 本粉絲團“並非子瑜本人亦非官方經營”


TZUYU #쯔위 #트와이스 #TZUYU #TWICE #쯔버블. Embedded video. 0:05 ... Tzuyu one day given a position where she can deliver more belt-lactic lines and ...


TWICE - 周子瑜TZUYU (TWICE) -YES,I AM TZUYU (1ST PHOTOBOOK) 寫真書【兩版合購】(韓國進口版). CD. $3218$ 3429. 可訂通知 ...

쯔위 (TZUYU) (@thinkaboutzu)

13M Followers, 0 Following, 125 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from 쯔위 (TZUYU) (@thinkaboutzu)